Friday, December 15, 2006

Winter Storm Blast 2006 - v. 2.0!

So last night in the Pacific Northwest was a little crazy. I had the displeasure of driving home in rain so heavy that everyone on the freeway slowed to 40 MPH. They seemed to have forgotten that their windshield wipers have a "HIGH" setting. That, and you know, it NEVER rains up here.

The high winds and torrential rains overnight knocked out power to nearly a million and half people in the area. Here's a screenshot from the Puget Sound Energy website this morning:

Yes, it says TWO-THIRDS of PSE customers are without power. I was one of the lucky few that awoke with power. It went out at some point during the night but only for a brief moment. It was probably one of the several moments I awoke to loud noises coming from our roof - the kinds of noises that prompted me to tell the cat "That doesn't sound good." Needless to say, trying to sleep through the night was a little terrifying.

I made it into work without incident, noting during the bus ride that about half of the normal traffic was absent from the roads. For about 15 minutes, until about 8:30 am, I was the only person in our wing of the office. I was kind of hoping that no one would show. What's that rule? If no one shows by 9:00 you get the day off? Sadly, my co-workers slowly but surely began filtering in (about half of them in any case). The brave warriors that fought their way in today are getting a pizza party. Yay. I'd rather have a "snow day" like most of the kids around power, no classes. Sometimes I miss being 12 years old.


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