Wednesday, October 12, 2005

LOST Tidbits

My favorite television show is LOST. Not very original, I know. LOST is FULL of secrets and clues and red herrings and deeper meaning and just plain strangeness. There are a million theories by a million weirdoes (me included) out there about what the hell is going on. “Is the way that leaf is hanging on the tree meaningful?” Perhaps. That's how weird it can be. In any case, one neat aspect of the show is the multiple fake websites that have been created to enrich the viewing experience. Here are (some of) those websites:
This website was introduced in the first season as the website of the airline the characters were flying before the crash. Do a "Select All" on the main page followed by a "Copy." Then paste the contents into a word doc to see some secret stuff.
A different version of the link above. Do the same thing.
A new site about the show. Click the barcode at the bottom of the page and type “theislandiswaiting” each week to see a new page of “script.”
The website of the fictional Dharma Industries, introduced in episode 2.03. More to come?
The website of the fictional Hanso Foundation, which funds Dharma Industries, also introduced in episode 2.03.

To get an idea of how crazy this stuff is, for a brief moment today, if you went to the “secure” version of the Hanso Foundation (i.e. https://…) you were given the URL If you went to it, a goofy flash animation of two polar bears appeared. Paying close attention to the title bar, the following Morse code message was visible:

[ … --- -- . - .. -- . … / .- / .--. --- .-.. .- .-. / -… . .- .-. / .. … / .--- ..- … - / .- / .--. --- .-.. .- .-. / -… . .- .-. ]

I’ll leave it to you to figure out the message. Enjoy, and start watching LOST!

Going to the URL now re-routes you to a legitimate website that has apparantly pulled a fast one. I was lucky enough to be playing around with the URL at the time of the switchover. For about 15 seconds, the title bar of the iPodnews main page read "iPod News updated every 108 minutes" Fans of the show will get it.

It appears that the content of changes randomly. I have been back several times since my original post and seen not only the polar bears, but also a mouse, a rabbit, a satellite and hypnotic snakes.


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