Saturday, July 30, 2005

fak·tu·al (FAKE-choo-ell)

I had a dream this morning with Rainn Wilson in it. He's the odd-duck guy from the American version of The Office and Six Feet Under. Anyway, in the dream, we were in school and he and a schoolmate were working on a project for art class. The project was to create a fake car using specs and cutouts from real cars. While he was cutting out pictures from car brochures, Rainn turned to me and said, "My fake car nearly exists. You might say it nearly 'faksists.'" And with that, I woke up and felt the burning need to document this new fake-word:

fak·sist (fake-ZIST): To exist based on false facts and unsubstantiated rumors.

As I was mulling over faksist, I also created a spin-off word that I think suits me to a "T." My friends will tell you that I often adamantly and vehemently claim that something is true when, in fact, I really don't know whether it is at all (ask Andy about my moon theory). When I claim something is factual, I may actually mean it is faktual.

fak·tu·al (FAKE-choo-ell): The opposite of factual.

There you have it, two entirely unnecessary new fake-words that only faksist because of a silly dream. Let me know what you think!


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