Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Latest Lego Set? Star Wars Nerds!

Everyone knows about the Star Wars Nerds that line up for the latest movie months in advance for no apparent reason. Hell, I was actually a quasi-nerd back in 1999 when Episode 1 came out. I waited from 5:30 AM until 5:30 PM to get tickets at the Cinerama in Seattle. Trust me, some of these people are clinically insane. I will never forget the 300 pound nerd dressed (poorly I might add) as Darth Maul having a lightsaber fight in the parking lot...with NO ONE! Well now, Legoland has immortilized the nerds that are currently in line for Episode 3. Here is an album of the display.

And for the three people that have not seen the hilarious video of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog ruthlessly taunting the nerds of 2002 in line, here you go!


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